
10461380_10152161019211650_723716166402174112_nHello, I’m Lizzie and welcome to my little space.

I’ve just left my job as a primary school teacher and am currently in the unusual but so desperately sought after position of having time on my hands (something I haven’t really experienced before!) With this new found freedom, and encouragement from my husband, I’m making the conscious decision to do, see and experience more and thus wanted somewhere I could share it!

I currently live in a lovely little flat with a gorgeous garden (the neighbourhood is slightly more dodgy), with my husband in Cambridge where I enjoy pootling around on my bike, eating scones, baking, having a go at running and more often than not, getting lost.

On Lizzie’s Little Things, I share the simple delights that can make a day that little more magic. You’ll find anecdotes and photographs from day to day happenings, recipes I’ve been attempting, lovely bits and bobs I’ve discovered during my browsings and little adventures I’m going to undertake in an attempt to start spending this precious time wisely.

I’m always looking for new things to try and to write about so any suggestions will be welcomed with open arms.

Thanks for popping over 🙂

Lizzie xx

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