‘Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted’ (John Lennon)

Very recently I gave up my job as a primary school teacher to try and set up a coffee shop which, when I tell people seems to be something everyone has wanted to do at some point. It’s always been something I have wanted to do and my husband Rich is always up for a challenge so we took the big step (it took a lot of persuasion on his part!) and I left my job and we’re now going through the coffee shop motions which are an awful lot tricker and bureaucratic than I had envisaged. I thought I would just spend these initial months having friends over for cake tastings and carrying out that crucial tea and scone market research at various Cambridge establishments! Instead, we’re having to look into planning permission, apply for start up loans and write business plans. All very obvious but rather tedious steps I had conveniently overlooked when dreaming up this idea.

So much more pleasant than a business plan
So much more pleasant than a business plan

The above is an extremely slow process and doesn’t involve my constant attention thus I have been presented with that precious but fairly elusive thing we like to call time. Anyone reading this who is or has been a teacher will know what this is not something that is experienced on a regular basis and I am ashamed to admit I have been struggling a little. My main problem at the moment is a feeling of guilt. Guilty that I have this time and guilty that I am not currently out working and earning a wage with it. Rightly or wrongly, I feel a slight pressure to be out there living a career driven life, bringing in the big bucks and tottering around in a power suit. None of that would really fit though – I am terrible in heels and as I have trained as a teacher, the big bucks will never come rolling in.

borrowed from cultureofunity.wordpress.com
borrowed from cultureofunity.wordpress.com

So I have decided to venture into the blogging world. I am hoping it will encourage me to try new things, visit new and old places, and submerse myself into a life of friends, books, music, cooking, clothes and crafting – all on a budget.

I plan to use this space to start documenting some of these new found pleasures and am hoping to pick up others on the way. I must admit though, I still have a niggling at the back of my head asking are you sure there isn’t something more productive you could be doing? Does anyone else ever have this? What do you like to do when you’re given time?

Lizzie x

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